--select * from Object
--select Title , Address from Object where Title like '%夜市%'
--select top 10 * from Object order by OID desc
--select Title, Address from Object where Title like '%埔里酒廠%'
--select * from Object where OID<10 order by OID desc
--select * from Object where Description like '%埔里% '
--select Title,Address
--from Class C , CO ,Object O
--where C.CName = '埔里鎮' and C.CID=CO.CID and CO.OID=O.OID
--取出南投縣的全部鄉鎮景點資訊 (87 tuples)
--select C1.CName,C2.CName,O.Address,O.Title,O.Class
--from Class C1, Inheritance I, Class C2, Object O,CO
--where C1.CName= '南投縣' and C1.CID=I.PCID and I.CCID=C2.CID and C2.CID=CO.CID and CO.OID=O.OID
--以… union …取出埔里、魚池的全部景點資訊 (27 tuples)
--select C.CName '鄉鎮',Title '景點',Address '地址'
--from Class C ,CO ,Object O
--where C.CName='埔里鎮' and C.CID=CO.CID and CO.OID=O.OID
--select C.CName ,Title ,Address
--from Class C ,CO, Object O
--where C.CName='魚池鄉' and C.CID=CO.CID and CO.OID=O.OID
--取出南投縣的全部鄉鎮景點資訊 (87 tuples) and 分類
--select C2.CName,count(*)
--from Class C1, Inheritance I, Class C2, Object O,CO
--where C1.CName= '南投縣' and C1.CID=I.PCID and I.CCID=C2.CID and C2.CID=CO.CID and CO.OID=O.OID
--group by C2.CName
--order by count(*) desc
--select C2.CName,O.Title,O.Address
--from Class C1, Inheritance I, Class C2, Object O,CO
--where C1.CName= '南投縣' and C1.CID=I.PCID and I.CCID=C2.CID and C2.CID=CO.CID and CO.OID=O.OID
--order by C2.CName
-- select Title,Address
--from Object
--where OID in (select OID from Object where Address like '埔里鎮%')
--NOT IN的用法
/*select O.OID,O.Title,O.Address
from Class C1, Inheritance I, Class C2, Object O,CO
where C1.CName= '南投縣' and C1.CID=I.PCID and I.CCID=C2.CID and C2.CID=CO.CID and CO.OID=O.OID
select O2.OID,O2.Title,O2.Address from Object O2 where O2.Telephone like '049-%' and O2.OID not in
select O.OID
from Class C1, Inheritance I, Class C2, Object O,CO
where C1.CName= '南投縣' and C1.CID=I.PCID and I.CCID=C2.CID and C2.CID=CO.CID and CO.OID=O.OID
/*select *
from Class C2,Inheritance I
where exists (select * from Class C1 where C1.CName ='南投縣' and C2.CID=I.PCID and I.PCID=C1.CID )*/
/*select max(nClick),min(nClick)
from Object*/
--select * from Object where nClick in (select max(nClick) from Object)
--select Class,sourceURL ,max(nClick)'max',min(nClick)'min',avg(nClick)'avg',sum(nClick)'sum' from Object group by Class ,sourceURL
--取出02開頭的電話的 (112個) 景點
/*select Title , Address, Telephone from Object where Telephone like '02-%'*/
--取出電話非數字開頭的 (23個) 景點
--select Title , Address, Telephone from Object where Telephone not like '[0-9]%'
--取出Object OID 不在 CO 的OID裡面
--select OID, Title from Object where OID not in (select distinct OID from CO)
--取出 CID 不在 Inheritance裡的
select distinct CID,CName from Class where CID not in (select distinct CCID from Inheritance union select distinct PCID from Inheritance)
--select * from dbo.Feb order by 交易日期 ASC
/*CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Feb](
[識別碼] [int] NOT NULL,
[交易日期] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS NULL,
[商品代號] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS NULL,
[交割年月] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS NULL,
[成交時間] [float] NULL,
[成交價格] [float] NULL,
[成交數量(B+S)] [float] NULL,
[近月價格] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS NULL,
[遠月價格] [nvarchar](50) COLLATE Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_CI_AS NULL
insert into Feb
select * from dbo.Feb1
select * from dbo.Feb2
select * from dbo.Feb3*/
insert into dbo.April
select 識別碼,交易日期,商品代號,交割年月,成交時間,成交價格,[成交數量(B+S)],近月價格,遠月價格
from dbo.[20100401-09]
select 識別碼,交易日期,商品代號,交割年月,成交時間,成交價格,[成交數量(B+S)],近月價格,遠月價格
from dbo.[20100412-19]
select 識別碼,交易日期,商品代號,交割年月,成交時間,成交價格,[成交數量(B+S)],近月價格,遠月價格
from dbo.[20100420-30] order by 交易日期 asc